Unsurpassed servicing standards
Our service technicians are unsurpassed in the industry. If you require an MSA Safety SRL or harness service, including Latchways® and V-Series ranges, we have an outstanding response team with the expertise to inspect and, if appropriate, repair your fall protection products in a reliable and timely manner.
All service technicians are fully trained through MSA Safety and must be re-certified every two years to retain their service certification.
With many fall protection products, routine servicing can be a more cost effective alternative to replacing the product for new.
It also means that your equipment and systems will always be reliable, economical and ready for use.
Please complete the form below for a service estimate or any material returns and provide the following information in the comments section
- Model numbers
- Description of service requirement/problem(s)
- Repair PO (if applicable)
If you need any more information, please contact us via our contact form or phone us on 0845 600 0086. We will be happy to answer and questions or queries.